Facilitate impactfull volunteer activities by coordinating schedules, tasks, and resources.Ensure seamless collaboration among volunteers, matching their skills with community needs. Track progress, recognize contributions, and create a positive environment for collective community service.


Foster a resilient community through targeted support programs. Empower individual by providing resources, education and mentorship. Promote inclusivity, encourage self-sufficiencey, and create a supportive network that uplifts the entire community.


We believe the cultural diversity of Tanzania is one of its greatest strengths. By meeting and understanding people whose views and values are very different from your own, you acquire new insights and perspectives that change your attitudes towards them, towards yourself and towards the entire world. This new depth of perception and wisdom opens new horizons, opportunities and flexibility in your future life choices. You may travel to Africa to learn more about her wildlife, but through her people, you will learn more about yourself. This may well be a most valuable and lasting aspect of your safari of the tribal people of Tanzania.

Explore the richness of diverse cultures through cultural tourism initiative. Promote understanding and appreciation of traditions, arts, and heritage. Create experience that bridge communities, fostering cultural exchange and  preserving the unique identity of each locale.


Tanzania, located on the east coast of Africa, is home to a rich array of wildlife and habitat, including elephants, rhinos, hippos, lions, wildebeests, wild dogs, lakes, forests and savannahs, making it one of the most bio-diverse countries on the continent. As a result, Tanzania boasts one of the most lucrative tourism industries in Africa. An estimated 85% of Tanzanians depend on natural resources like wildlife for their livelihoods, and 70% of Tanzania’s National Gross Domestic Product is achieved through agriculture and tourism.
In addition, over 28% of the country is directly protected through national parks, game reserves, forest reserves and other conservation areas.
However, protected areas are often not sufficient in size to accommodate wildlife migration patterns, which tend to run outside the protected zones causing conflict with the growing rural populations who have settled there.
Wildlife Management Areas As Tanzania’s population grows, the need for finding solutions that provide incentives for conservation becomes more acute. One such answer has been Wildlife Management Areas (WMA). First implemented in Tanzania in early 2000s, this innovative conservation initiative supports the conservation of biodiversity by empowering local communities to be in charge of the wildlife on their land, using the benefits to boost livelihoods and reduce
By establishing a WMA, communities participate in a process of land use and resource management planning, setting up an Authorized Association to manage the operations. They negotiate with private tourism investors to generate revenue. These sustainable source of income are very important for the long-term future of these areas, divided among participating villages to fund community projects, with some of the money set aside to fund operations such as anti-poaching and management programs.
To date, 14 WMAs in Tanzania have been established, comprising 137 villages with a population estimated at 350,00, and over $4 million has been generated.
There are over 20 new WMAs in the process of being formed consisting of 175 additional villages, that together with the 14 established WMAs they will cover 13 percent of the land area, where over 31 million acres of land will be managed by local communities.


Champion education by implementing a Stay in School program. Address barriers to attendance, such as financial constraints or lack of resources. Provide scholarships, mentorship, and support systems to ensure that students stay engage in their education and pursue their academic goals.


Promote environment equality and climate justice by addressing the impact of climate change on marginalized communities. Advocate for sustainable practices, resilience-building, and inclusive polices. Work toward a fair distribution of resources and opportunities to combat climate-related challenges.